Landing Page Design
<iframe src="http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?lt1=_blank&bc1=000000&IS2=1&bg1=FFFFFF&fc1=000000&lc1=0000FF&t=lgrphotogalle-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&m=amazon&f=ifr&md=10FE9736YVPPT7A0FBG2&asins=0470174625" style="width:120px;height:240px;float: right;margin-left: 10px;" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"></iframe> I have been doing more research on best practices for landing pages recently and came across this great video on YouTube. I have watched and listened to this video several times now and thought I would share it. It has given me
Htaccess Tools
If you want to save some time editing your .htaccess file check out Htaccess Tools. It has some great .htaccess generators to help save you some time. Generators include: Htpasswd Generator Htaccess Authentication Hotlink protection of images Block IPs with .htaccess Block hitbots with .htaccess Error Document Redirection by Language While
Booting ChromeOS in Virtualbox
Yesterday was Google's big announcement and press conference about the Google ChromeOS. Apparently my invite to the press conference must have been lost in the mail, so I had to settle for reading TechCrunch and their post Live From Google’s Chrome OS Event. What is ChromeOS all about? Well Google
What is My IP Address
Your IP Address Is: It seems like I need this information at least once a day lately from one client or another so I thought I would make it easy for me to find. If you need to find your IP address often you might want to signup for a
WordPress 2.8.5 Released
WordPress has released 2.8.5. It is a hardening release, taking some of the latest enhancments from the upcoming 2.9 release. Highlights of the 2.8.5 release according to the WordPress blog are: The headline changes in this release are: A fix for the Trackback Denial-of-Service attack that is currently
Things I Have Learned About Apraxia
While I am by no means an expert in Apraxia, I have certainly been learning a great deal since my daughter was diagnosed with it. Here are some of the things I have learned. People have no clue what Apraxia is. I can understand that, I did not either until my
The Future of Blogging
Way back in July I open the doors up for people's webmaster and blogging questions. August was just a bit of a blur between holidays and projects and I have not finished answering all of the questions. I thought kicking off September with the question from Rhett would be a
Expert Auto Glass
company called Expert Auto Glass. They are a new auto glass repair and replacement company here in Regina and it was fun to put together their website for them this summer. Their site features a nice clean look that is easy to read. We also
WordPress or Joomla?
Last week I open up the doors to questions. WordPress or Joomla? Which is better and why? I have actually posted about WordPress and Joomla in the past. That problem seems to have been fixed and I have since created WordPress powered websites with large numbers of pages and not suffered
WordPress Weekend Project – RSS Includes Pages
by koka_sexton This WordPress weekend project is not for everyone, but depending on your WordPress website it might be exactly what you are looking for. WordPress by default does not include pages in the RSS feed. This makes perfect sense if