WordPress Weekend Project - Broken Link Checker
by koka_sexton This website and blog has gone through a number of changes since I started it in February 2007. The blog was originally on Blogger on a sub domain, then moved into WordPress on the same sub domain. Eventually I
Cancelling Web Hosting
Ordering web hosting is easy. Web hosts make it simple to order web hosting packages of all sizes from shared hosting accounts to dedicated servers, but have you ever tried to cancel a web hosting account? Web hosting is a competitive industry and once they get you as a customer
Tweetbucks - Tweet Your Way to the Bank?
It does not take long looking at people's tweets trying to sell bad informational products and how to turn Twitter into a traffic machine that people are trying hard to make money using Twitter. Affiliate marketing is not new to Twitter, and has now gotten easier for the regular Twitter
New Server Coming Online
You might have noticed I have not written much here lately. So much for keeping up with my goals for 2009 and posting three times a week. The main reason for being so quiet here on the LGR Internet Solutions blog is the fact that I have been busy getting
7 Easy to Use Document Sharing Websites
Sharing information is what the Internet is about. The problem is that not all information is easily made into HTML pages so it can be easily shared. The creation of easy to use content management systems has made it easier for anyone to become a web publisher, but there are
Comment Policy
by freezelight I have been pretty relaxed about comments here, even after attempting to make a comment policy I have been able to keep the automated comment spam at bay. Lately I have had a higher than usual amount of keyword comment
WordPress Weekend Project - Similar Posts
by koka_sexton Blogs make it easy to add new content to your website. Adding new, regular articles helps to bring people back to your website, can improve your search engine rankings and help you connect with your clients and customers. The
Twittering Our Lives Away
by Robert Scoble Everyday there is more talk about Twitter. The media is certainly getting into Twitter with Ashton Kutcher breaking the 1 million followers, and Oprah joining not long ago and already
Tweet from Google Reader
by byrion I hate doing things twice. There are not many things that bug me but doing things twice has always been one of my pet peeves. Like many people I use Google Reader to read RSS feeds and
Online Invoicing: FreshBooks or Cashboard?
I tweeted recently that I was doing my invoicing and that I needed to find another way of doing it. Two suggestions I got from people were FreshBooks and Cashboard. I checked out both and signed up for the free trials. Feature wise both FreshBooks and Cashboard offer similar things. Invoicing,