WordPress Weekend Project - Ultimate Google Analytics
import Caption from '../../components/Caption.astro'; I am a statistics junkie, I can't help myself. I like to know how people found my site, where they went, what they clicked on, where they are from and the list goes on. It is probably not surprising that I use Google Analytics on my site,
URL Shorteners
There has been a lot of talk recently about URL shorteners ever since the DiggBar was released. While reactions to the DiggBar are mixed I do have some concerns over the use of frames. I remember creating websites using frames and some of the problems it created. I am also
Guy Kawasaki on Twitter
While I don't always agree with Guy Kawasaki, and I find it rather funny that roughly a year after I talked about AllTop and some ways to improve it those features showed up on AllTop. Guy Kawasaki, does have some interesting ideas about how to use Twitter as a marketing
WordPress Weekend Project - CommentLuv
by koka_sexton One of the things I like best about WordPress is how easy it is to extend it with new plugins. You can add new features and tweak many different things on your website with just a few clicks by
Color Scheme Designer
import Caption from '../../components/Caption.astro'; I have talked about my problems picking colours in the past. Fortunately I have found several tools that can help me, and today I found another one. Color Scheme Designer is a Javascript, browser based application that you can use to create colour schemes based on
Show Your Tweets on Digg and StumbleUpon
comes in handy. I was recently updating my Digg and StumbleUpon and thought it would be great to let people know that they can also follow me on Twitter. Sure links to my Twitter profile are great but I wanted to
DiggBar - Create Easy Short URL's
While I am not a huge fan of Digg, I have been playing with the new DiggBar that was released today and I can see it becoming popular. The bar itself does not require an installation, and makes it easy for people to shorten URL's for Twitter and if the
Backup Advice
Like most people that work with computers and the Internet regularly I am often asked for advice on computers. I try to help people when I can, but there is only so much you can do without physically going over to the persons house and fixing the problem for them.
Personal Blogging
I hesitate to post this today with it being April Fools Day and so many jokes being played on the Internet today, but I will post it anyway. I wanted to announce that I have joined the realm of being a personal blogger. I have always resisted being a
WordPress and Flickr Photos
by msc-???t?????g? (busy) Photos can add a lot to a blog post, and I know I am not one of the best examples since many, if not most of my blog posts do not have images with them. There