WordPress Premium Themes
When you decide to start a new web project based on WordPress you have many options for themes. You can look for a free theme from the WordPress Themes gallery or from one of the many WordPress theme websites that are available. You can hire a designer to create a
Automate Twitter
It seems like everyone is talking about Twitter. It appears that Twitter is becoming more mainstream. You can even find CBC News on Twitter. Have you ever wondered how some of those people manage to have 10,000 plus followers and how did they follow
UPrinting Contest
Since I changed my operating name from LGR Computer Enterprises to LGR Internet Solutions I have been meaning to get some new business cards made up. Although I do not use them very often it is always nice to have some for that occasion when I have been talking
Goodbye Google Friend Connect
I have removed the Google Friend Connect social bar from the site. It was an interesting test, but there are a few things that still need work with Friend Connect before I would really recommend it for most websites. Coding Errors - Visit any website with the Google Friend Connect
Happy Birthday to Me!
<iframe src="http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?t=lgrphotogalle-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B000A6PPOK&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr" style="width:120px;height:240px;float: right;" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"></iframe> Today is my birthday and I am happy to report that I got exactly what I asked for! A brand new Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000! My old keyboard was a Microsoft Natural Elite and it was a good keyboard I liked it
I am always amazed at how often I come back to a table of ASCII HTML codes that I have on my computer. ASCII HTML codes allow you to enter characters into a web page that are not found on you keyboard. The codes can also be very useful for
Web Forms with Google Docs
I was working on a contact form for a client this last week, and while I have a PHP form processing script that I like to use there are other alternatives to add a contact and other forms to your website if you do not happen to know PHP or
The Perfect Blog Post Size
that I was seeing a lot of posts on blogs that are 25 of this or top 50 of that. You know the regular giant list posts. There are some blogs that is all they do and while I do subscribe to some blogs that create these giant
Friend Connect Social Bar
Thanks to a post over at TechCrunch I heard that Google Friend Connect has released a new social bar that you can add to your website. The social bar adds several of the Google Friend Connect widgets in a nice little strip that you can add to the top or
Like Squidoo
I was chatting with Rhett the other day about Squidoo, and to my surprise he had not heard of it, or at least he had not really checked it out. Squidoo is an interesting service where you can create a single web page, called a lens, to talk about