Internet Goals for 2009

It is that time of the year again when people start to look back at the year and to look forward to setting new goals for the coming year. 2008 for LGR Internet Solutions has been a good one in many respects. Work has been rewarding, new clients continue to come in on a regular basis, I revamped the website and traffic and income from my web properties has increased. If things continue steady for 2009 I should be able to maintain traffic and income levels. One should never settle for maintaining the status quo so some goals I have for my websites for 2009 include:

  1. Posting more regularly, hopefully on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. If possible increasing posting frequency to five days a week.
  2. Increasing RSS subscribers in the LGR Internet Solutions blog to 500 or more.
  3. Diversifying my online income so it is more dependable and less reliant on one or two sources.
  4. Increase page views and reader participation on all my websites
  5. To learn new skills and apply them.

Having goals are great but you need to have some kind of plan to accomplish them. Here are some of the ways I plan on accomplishing my goals in the next year.

  1. In order to post more I need to find more time to post. To be honest this will be the hardest goal to accomplish since I am not sure where I will be able to find the time since client work and family does need to come first.
  2. To increase RSS subscribers I have some plans to release an ebook at some point during the year. I have also been busy arranging for special offers that will only be made available to subscribers.
  3. Diversifying my online income will require some work. I have already started to explore some additional income sources. I will eventually offer private ad sales here on the LGR Internet Solutions blog. Several of my other websites will also see private ad sales at some point during the year.
  4. Increasing page views and reader participation will require some time to take part more in the social side of the web and creating more community here on the blog. Taking part in Twitter has helped already and I am looking forward to getting to know more people at Twitter and on other blogs around the web.
  5. Constantly learning is what makes working on the Internet such fun. I find the best way to learn is often to have some personal projects to work on. With that in mind I plan on finishing off some Facebook applications this year, and I have some WordPress plugins that I have been working on that I hope to finish and release.

I have always set goals for my websites, but this might be the first time I have written a post about them. I thought this was a good time to start to take part more on the social web by taking part in the ”What Are Your Internet Goals for 2009? Group Writing Project” over at Daily Blog Tips. What are your Internet goals for 2009?

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