FireFox 3 Released
I am sure many of you have probably already heard that Firefox 3 has now been released and is available for download. If for some reason you are still using Internet Explorer this is your chance to upgrade to a better, faster and more secure web browser. I won't go
Alltop - Innovation or Waste of Space?
Every once in a while I reply to people on Twitter when they ask a question. The other day Jeremiah tweeted: What do you think of RSSMEME? http://www.rssmeme.com/ It appears to aggregate stories I see elsewhere, time saver or redundant? I had taken a look at the site and while it
Reasons Not to Blog
Here at Epiblogger I hope we encourage you to blog. We want you to share your stories, your interests, your unique point of view. I spent a lot of time reading blogs over the last weekend and I realized that there are times when we all have to admit
VectorMagic Redux
I talked about VectorMagic way back in October, but I wanted to mention them again because they just saved me a couple hours of work. I had a client email me a logo and I needed to recreate it for the new website that we are working on. The copy
Blogger Cards are Here
I talked about the free blogger cards that ooprint was offering in May and thought I would give an update that the cards I had ordered showed up in the mail today. They are not bad, the paper stock is a standard business
Can Blogging Hurt?
I started blogging here for several reasons and for the most part it has been positive for my business. It has connected me with my clients, helped me find new clients and been a way for me to learn from others. I try to post useful and positive things to
More Microblogging! Plurk It?
It is hard to keep up with all of the new social media sites that keep popping up. A little while ago Friendfeed started to get a lot of attention. In the last few days a new site called Plurk has been the centre of attention. Aside from another goofy name,
YouTube Offers Video Annotations
I was taking a look at YouTube earlier today and noticed I had another option available for my videos. You can now add annotations to your videos hosted on YouTube. There are currently three types of annotations: speech bubbles, notes and spotlights. You can add annotations to any of your
Add Interactivity with Google Maps
Writing for two blogs gets confusing sometimes. I post stuff over at Epiblogger that I really want to post here. This time I wrote a post about how to add Google Maps to your blog. Fortunately you can use the Google My Maps feature on any site so it is
Blogging with Google Maps
I am a big fan of Google Maps and use it regularly for finding directions, finding addresses for places and just for fun. I also like to add Google Maps to websites. There are so many uses for them from showing people the location of