Twitter Toolkit
Twitter is everywhere these days, and I was sceptical at first but I have become a fan. It becomes a great tool to use to find out information from various sources. For example, today I have been considering ordering some business cards. I have not had any for awhile and
Mixwit - Mix Tapes Make a Comeback
I admit I grew up when making mix tapes was a common thing. Compact did not exist until I was in grade eleven or twelve. To be cool you had a loud car stereo and you made your own mix tapes. I suppose things have not changed to much, except
Lather, Rinse, Repeat
Have you ever actually read the instructions on a shampoo bottle? Most people probably have not, but this morning I was curious and actually did read the instructions. We have two bottles in our shower one actually had lather, rinse, repeat. The
SEO vs. Social Media vs. Referrals
I was looking through Google Analytics for this blog the other day and I was amazed at the number of visitors I get to this blog from the search engines versus how many visits I get from social media and from referrals from other sites. It might not come as
Blog Spring Cleaning
It was a long winter here in Saskatchewan, and it seemed like it took forever for the snow to disappear. Then when it did finally melt it keep coming back with a snow storm here and there. Almost like it was just not quite ready
Aviary - Account and Five Free Invites!
I was not going to post anything today but I just got this great email from Aviary telling me that I now have access to their web-based image editor named Phoenix and to Peacock their pattern generator. Naturally I had to go and check it out. If you have not heard
Facebook - Information Aggregation
I don't use my Facebook account very often. I do log into it a few times a week, but I really don't find it very interesting. Sure I have been able to connect with some friends that I have not seen since elementary or high school, but for the most
Register.com Domain Name Registration
There are some companies that just make me shake my head. One is the Domain Registry of Canada. I have been trying to get a domain name transferred away from them for a client, not because they are a bad registrar, they are simply too expensive. It is common practise to
The Taxman or A Taxman?
I am glad to say that I have finally finished and filed my taxes for 2007. I have been self-employed for just over 4 years now and the one thing I dislike the most about being self-employed is doing taxes. It always feels like I have
Cross Browser Testing
I have talked about how important it is for webmasters to test their work in other web browsers before. The service is not very different from BrowserCam except their pricing structure is not a subscription model, but rather a pay for what you use model. That is nice becuase I find