Firefox, A Blogger's Best Friend
Image via WikipediaAccording to Google Analytics this post might not mean a lot to roughly 78% of you, since you are already using Firefox, for the 22% of you that are not using Firefox you need to keep reading. If you take your blogging seriously at all you need
I have talked about Lightbox and other Lightbox like Javascripts yesterday and almost clicked away as fast as I got there but something in the description caught my eye: "Standards". I then read a little further and discovered that not only is Shadowbox valid HTML is is also built so
Simply Accounting Backup
I could go on at length about my dislike for Simply Accounting, but I will spare you my ranting about the product. It is enough to know that I have had clients that have had bad experiences with it, usually because their data file will go corrupt and something went
HP Upline Pulls the Plug on Canada
You might not have know that HP had launched an online backup service called HP Upline. I heard about it through TechCrunch. If you read my blog occasionally you know I am a MozyPro user and that I regularly post information about MozyHome, but I had to try the HP
Blog Marketing off the Internet
There are many ways to market your blog, both on and off the Internet. I think as bloggers we don't use some of the more traditional marketing methods. Perhaps it is a case of not having any money to create t-shirts or order promotional items or maybe we just
Remote Shutdown of a Windows Computer from Linux
I was away for a few days with my family visiting relatives, but being self-employed it can be hard to take time off, and wouldn't you know it I had to spend a little time online checking email, finding passwords for people and occasionally just checking in on things at
Make Your Blog Work for You
Life has been hectic the last few weeks for myself. I have been getting many requests for work with my business and to top it off we have taken a small family trip to visit relatives. Rhett also has been very business with work, looking for
I have been doing some travelling lately with my family to visit relatives and just to have a little fun. The problem with travelling when you run your own business means it can be difficult to keep up with what needs to get done and to be able to do
Fade Out Bottom
I was browsing around today and came across this neat effect that makes the bottom look like it fades out to the background colour. I don't know if I would ever use something like this but I like the effect. It uses a PNG image with an alpha layer positioned
Peep a Server
Ever wanted to know what other websites are hosted on a server? Ok, most people probably don't, but for the small majority of use that just have a desire to know these things there is a way. One of my favourite tools lately has been the [YouGetSignal Reverse IP