WordPress Annoyances
so you all get to enjoy it._ WordPress 2.5 has been released to the world and it offers a redesigned administration user interface that is a joy to work with. There is no doubt that WordPress has become the leader in blogging software. A quick survey
Pictures in Google Earth
I really enjoy using Google Earth, as many of you probably do as well. One if the things I enjoy most about Google Earth is looking at the photos that people have uploaded through Panoramio. They usually show up as blue dots on Google Earth. Back in January I submitted a
Do You Love Your Blog?
Rhett told me I should write something from the heart instead of the tutorial type of posts that I usually write. With that in mind I thought I would talk about some wisdom that my father gave me many years ago. Like most wisdom fathers impart
March Earnings in Review
I don't usually post my earnings online, mainly because I don't think I should have to post how much money I earn from my online ventures to prove to people how successful I am. March, however, was a particularly good month and I just wanted to brag a little. I
WordPress 2.5 Upgrade
Well I took the plunge and upgraded this blog to WordPress 2.5. For the most part all went smoothly, not to many hiccups. Plugin compatibility is always were I have some problems it seems. Not that I run a great deal of plugins, but one or two of them always
WordPress 2.5 Released
Well the big news this morning is that WordPress 2.5 has been released to the world. You can download the the latest version from the WordPress website. I will be downloading and taking a look at it later today, and will probably upgrade this blog on Monday. It will depend
Face in Hole
Thought I would post something fun today, since life can't be all about work all the time right? Came across a website yesterday called Face in Hole. They give you the chance to put your face, or the face of who ever you want I suppose, in
Project Wonderful, Not so Wonderful
If you have been surfing around some blogs lately you have probably come across some blogs that are running Project Wonderful ads. They are particularly popular with people that are using Entrecard. Like all advertising options the only way to know if something will work well for you is
RSS - What, Where, Why and How
I have been working on the Internet far too long. I remember when the only way to get the latest information from a website was to actually go and visit the website. What a waste of time that was! Face it, browsing the Internet looking at
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter everyone! Hope you are all having a great day! It is still snowy here but spring is around the corner. With the spring just around the corner I decided to change the theme here on LGR Webmaster Blog. I wanted to start using a theme that was