Epiblogger Valentines Giveaway!
Happy Valentines! It has been a really great month and a half since we opened the doors here at Epiblogger and we wanted to celebrate a little with our first giveaway. We thought we could give away our first month and a half of income to one
Happy Valentines!
Happy Valentines everyone! Hope you are going to spend some time with your special someone today. I wanted to let people know that Epiblogger is holding a Valentines giveaway today! If you are an Entrecard user this is your chance to win an easy 1000 credits to do with whatever you
Blogger Buster - Interview
Through the use of Entrecard I have come across the most unique Blogger.com blog I have think I have ever seen. It is called Blogger Buster and it offers tips, tricks and templates for Blogger.com bloggers. I was so curious about the site that I got in touch
Joomla! 1.0.14 Released & Backup
If you run your website on Joomla you should go and take a look at the Joomla website for information about the release of Joomla 1.0.14. Looks like the release is mostly a security release to prevent cross site scripting attacks. More information can be found at the Joomla blog. Don't
In a totally unrelated post that has very little to do with anything else on this blog, I StumbledUpon these videos earlier today and they made me laugh. Nothing like turning the tables in the PC vs. Mac commercials. I think the Money one is my favourite. Hope they give you
BritePic - Monetize Your Images
There have been a few things on my to check out list, BritePic happened to be one of them. BritePic is a service offered by AdBrite. I just recently started running some AdBrite ads again and thought this would be a good time to look at BritePic. BritePic is basically
Developing Money Making Niche Sites with WordPress
" has both good and bad points, but it does have something for most people that are interested or are new to installing and using WordPress. The Good The best part about Caroline's book is the sections on how to setup WordPress. She walks through setting up WordPress using
Free Online File Storage with Box.net
[ in late January and bookmarked them to take a closer look. I thought the service could come in handy for me to send files to clients and more importantly as a way for clients to send me files since there is always something that is to large to
WordPress 2.3.3 Release
Just a quick note to let people know that WordPress 2.3.3 has been released. It is a urgent security release so you should go and grab it as soon as you can. WordPress 2.3.3 is an urgent security release. If you have registration enabled a flaw was found in the
Making Backup Sexy!
I am a geek. I know I am a geek. I revel in my geekiness. How do I know I am a geek? Because I get a thrill from geeky things like backing up. Maybe it is because I have had too many hard drives die early deaths and too