Joomla Directory Component SOBI 2
I talked a little last week about Joomla. I have been doing more work this week on various Joomla sites for clients and myself and thought I would let you know about my favourite Joomla directory component SOBI 2. Sigsiu Online Business Index 2 (SOBI 2) is an addon to
Keep the Comment Bots at Bay
It does not take long after your blog opens before the automated comment spam bots start to invade your beautiful creation. Dealing with comment spam is a daily task for every blogger, and if the automated comment spam bots have you on their list of
Newest Gadget
I was responsible for coming up with the Thoughts post over at Epiblogger last Wednesday. One of the things I put on the list was to talk about your newest gadget. I wanted to write this last week, but just never got around to it until today. We have a
Google Webmaster Tools Quickstart Guide
Google Webmaster Tools is a helpful service for all webmasters whether your website is hundereds of thousands of pages or less than ten pages. Google has put together a nice little quickstart guide to show people some of the features and what you can do with the site. Go and
Joomla or WordPress?
My father was a carpenter, he built grain elevators for the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool for many years. One of the things he used to tell me is to always use the right tool for the job. This was usually just before I was going to do something stupid. Building websites
Joomla Search Friendly URLs
I thought I would continue talking about Joomla since they have now released version 1.5. Joomla is a great system and offers a great framework to build a website on. If you want to create a community based website where people can message each other, Joomla can do that. If
Joomla 1.5 Released
I was doing some work on a clients Joomla site this morning and went to check up on the Joomla project and discovered that they have released version 1.5 today! Congratulations to the Joomla team for the great work they have done on the Joomla CMS. Joomla is one of
Top Blogs Failing at Error Pages
I know what I like in a good 404 error page. I like to let users know that what they were looking for is no longer there and help them to find either what they came looking for in the first place or
More Free Favicons
Somehow in the midst of all the craziness of this week I finally got some new favicons up for download over at FreeFavicon.com. I have had a folder of favicons I have been wanting to sort through and upload and realized I might not get to them for a while,
Posted at Epiblogger
It has been a very busy week, perhaps you could have guessed that by they fact that I have not posted anything in a couple of days. I won't apologize for not posting here but I have been busy posting over at Epiblogger. Take a look at these three posts that