How to Thank Stumblers?
I have been enjoying a continual Stumble the last week or so and it has been great to see the number of readers that keep coming in through StumbleUpon. I know a person should not spend a lot of time on their stats but it is fun to watch the
Make Your Site Stumbler Friendly
StumbleUpon has become a fantastic resource for sharing and promoting websites and blogs. One of the best things you can do to make your website friendly for Stumblers to encourage them to give it the thumbs up. The best way to make your website Stumbler friendly is to create great content.
I Bought Canada!
Do I have your attention? I have been waiting a while to write this post. Since September actually, when I first read about the Million Dollar Wiki on Shoemoney.com. Just when that post came out is when I had money sitting in my PayPal account and I just wanted to
Social Media Time Management
Do you look at your goals for the week and realize you have not accomplished as much as you hoped? Every week I have a set of goals, and while I might not be as compulsive as some people, I need to accomplish a set of goals each week for
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to everyone! It has been a good year and I am looking forward to 2008. I hope that everyone has a chance relax and spend time with family. I know I am looking forward to having some fun with my kids in the snow. [![One Laptop per Child specs
Trackback Spam on the Rise
Anyone else notice a rise in trackback spam recently or is it just me they feel like picking on? The last few days I have been getting upwards of 50 trackback spams. Thanks to Akismet I have not seen any of them go through, but I decided that I was
#1 Internet Geek
From the strange and wonderful world of my log files I discovered that I am number one for the term "Internet geek" when you search Blogger profiles. I took a screenshot that you can see below. I also saved it using Furl, my latest favourite social bookmarking site. You will
The End of Anti-Social Webmasters
A new group blog called Collective Thoughts has a great post titled "Webmaster, stop being so AntiSocial!!". It makes some good points about how the web has changed from being a lot of lone guns trying to out do each other to becoming a place of social interaction. In order
Forums - A Quick User Guide
I remember the days of the local bulletin board systems and dialing in to take part in the conversations. Bulletin board systems are the precursors of the modern internet forums. The earliest forums date back to 1996. Today web forums are the most active and alive forms of social media
What Are You Doing?
Anyone that uses Twitter knows that question well. When I first discovered Twitter about six months ago I really did not get the point. Seeing the seemingly endless Twits made me almost feel sick. My first thought was why would someone want to broadcast their life like that. I have to