The End of Anti-Social Webmasters
A new group blog called Collective Thoughts has a great post titled "Webmaster, stop being so AntiSocial!!". It makes some good points about how the web has changed from being a lot of lone guns trying to out do each other to becoming a place of social interaction. In order
Forums - A Quick User Guide
I remember the days of the local bulletin board systems and dialing in to take part in the conversations. Bulletin board systems are the precursors of the modern internet forums. The earliest forums date back to 1996. Today web forums are the most active and alive forms of social media
What Are You Doing?
Anyone that uses Twitter knows that question well. When I first discovered Twitter about six months ago I really did not get the point. Seeing the seemingly endless Twits made me almost feel sick. My first thought was why would someone want to broadcast their life like that. I have to
Making Money is about Trust
If you want to make money on the Internet, you need to earn the trust of your readers. Trust is something you have to earn, it does not come easily. Readers have to trust that you are telling them the truth. Unfortunately, we live in a culture that does not
Commenting on LGR Webmaster Blog and Blogger Commenting Update
I really enjoy getting comments on the posts here, and I remove nofollow from the comments because I think people that comment should have some link love. One of the other reasons I enjoy comments is to get to know people and have conversations with those that do take the
The Really Big List of Social Bookmarking Websites
I finally completed the really big list of social bookmarking websites. The list is specifically for social bookmarking sites, so social news aggregation websites, like Digg and Reddit, have been left off and will be on the next list I am working on, the really big list of social news
Spiffy Corners
It seems like I am always looking for a new way of creating rounded corners for designs. I usually just take the easy way out and use images. In my search this time around I came across a website called Spiffy Corners. Spiffy Corners is a generator that will create
Priceless Data
Recently I was called to help a local business with trying to recover some important files. Unfortunately I was unable to recover the files and the cost to that business to recover from that loss could easily be $5000 in time. Shortly after that experience I was looking at my
Today the Internet has become a better place because AGLOCO is dead! It was a bad idea from the very beginning and really nothing more than a pyramid scheme. People kept saying it does not cost you anything so why not try it? Well how many hours did those people
Best Blogging Achievement Entries and Vote
The entries are all in for the best blogging achievement group writing project organized by All Tips and Tricks. This group writing project is also a contest, so take some time and read through all of them and write a short post on your blog or go and [leave a