Cord Cutting in Regina
There has been a lot of talk over the last little while about the new skinny cable packages that the CRTC made the cable companies implement. I was interested in what the plans would be because it would have been simple to go from the rather large SaskTel MaxTV subscription
Your Website Sucks!
I am very sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I need to be honest with you about your website. IT SUCKS! I know you have spent hours, well at least 30 minutes, working on your website, and I know you are very proud
UTF8 Sanitize
There are times when little problems pop up using WordPress that you just might not expect. Most users don't know or care about what character encoding their computer and browser are using but when that character encoding is different from what WordPress uses it can lead to some odd
Spam, Spam and More Spam
As long as there has been the ability to leave comments on websites there has been spam. I recall creating a guestbook for a client once and even though the guestbook used a captcha it did not take long before it started to become overwhelmed with spammy comments.
10 Session Recording and Heatmap Tools
I just recently got back from Disneyland with my family and if there is one thing Disneyland does well it is managing crowds and people in the parks and rides. I am sure Disney does a great deal of testing to discover how best to manage the people
Use WordPress Themes and Functions on Other PHP Pages
WordPress is a great content management system but there are still times when you either just want to add a page to your website that is not a part of WordPress or when perhaps you just want to give make sure all the pages on your website whether they
Get Serious or Go Home!
import Caption from '../../components/Caption.astro'; One of the pieces of advice I usually give people about their website is to take it seriously. Think about it, your website is the public face of your business to the world if you don't take it seriously then why would anyone else take you seriously.
Slow WordPress Queries
I love working with WordPress, it makes so many things easier for clients and it gives me as a web developer a great deal of flexibility to extend and offer to clients what they need for their websites. Unfortunately there are also times working with WordPress makes me scratch my
Service Disruption - iWeb Montreal Data Center
If there is one thing I hate it is when my clients websites go down. I work hard to keep the server software and client websites software up to date to keep the sites up and the servers running as best as they can. There are things outside of my
Roam Mobility Review in Disneyland
import Caption from '../../components/Caption.astro'; I don't travel down to the United States very often but when I do get down there it is always nice to be able to stay connected. Unfortunately the mobile companies here in Canada like to charge fairly exorbitant prices for their roaming into the US. The