Inspiration Bit Group Writing Project
A little while ago I wrote a post about what inspires me to run this blog and submitted it to the Inspiration Bit group writing project. If you need to take a break from being a webmaster and need some inspiration read through the list of entries. There are some
8 Bits On Making Money From Your Blog
Vivien over at Inspiration Bit gave me an opportunity to write a guest post for her as an honorary final prize. I took the opportunity to write a summary of eight ways that you can start to monetize a blog. It is a post I have been wanting to write
WordPress Community Vulnerable
Just read about this on BlogSecurity that the WordPress Community is Vulnerable. Of the 50 blogs they selected 49 of them were vulnerable to known security attacks. Might want to make sure you upgrade your WordPress blog software as soon as you can. This is one of
Top Firefox Add-ons for Webmasters Update
I was curious to find out what other webmasters favourite Firefox add-ons are so I posted my list over at DigitalPoint and asked others to list theirs. Here is the list of the Firefox add-ons that other webmasters find useful. ChatZilla CoLT ColorZilla del.icio.us Download Statusbar DownThemAll! Fasterfox [Google Toolbar
Webmaster Tools - PDFOnline
I talked about a service called ZamZar. It easily converted the Microsoft Publisher file to PDF for me and was a great time saver. It also converts Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, HTML, plain text documents and most image formats. If you need to quickly convert to PDF take a look
Favorite Icons
One of the little things that often is overlooked by many webmasters is to create a favorite icon or favicon for their website. A favicon is that small 16x16 pixel image that people see on the address bar of their web browser when they visit your website, and it is
Top Firefox Add-ons for Webmasters
Firefox is my web browser of choice. There are lots of reasons why I use Firefox, the main reason is because I like it. It renders web pages faster than Internet Explorer and has less security concerns. It is also the default browser on my operating system, Ubuntu Linux, but
Need Web Hosting?
For people starting out creating a website for either themselves or for their business understanding all of the little things there are to know about the websites can be difficult. Usually when I get a phone call from a potential new client the first questions they ask me are how
Webmaster Blog Inspiration
Inspiration Bit has a group blogging project underway asking what is the source of your inspiration. The topic has been brewing in the back of my mind about what is my inspiration for this webmaster blog. The answer to what is my inspiration for creating and maintaining this blog is to
Webmaster Tools - ZamZar
It is getting harder and harder to be able to keep up with all of the file formats there are available. Recently various clients I have, have sent me Word Perfect files, Microsoft Works files, MPEG video files, and the list keeps getting longer. ZamZar is an online file conversion