Webmaster Tools - PageRank Checker
Want to know what the PageRank of websites are as you surf? If you are using Firefox, take a look at the Search Status addon. It gives you quick access to Google's PageRank, Alexa rank, and a great list of other features. The features I use most often are the
The Machine is Us/ing Us
I have seen this video before, but like a good movie I get more out of it each time I see it. The video intrigues me because as a web developer I feel I am pulled in two directions. One is simply to get the job done as fast as possible
Tell the Robots Where Not to Go
Part of being a webmaster or blogger is making sure the little things get done. One of the little things that can actually be a very big thing is telling the robots on the web how to behave when they come to your website. A robot or
Webmaster Tools - DNS Stuff
A week does not go by that I don't need to test something on one of my websites or servers. One of the tools that always comes in handy in diagnosing problems and checking up on things is DNSstuff.com. If you are ever having problems reaching your website and you
Text Link Ads
I like to try out services and get a feel for them before recommending them to clients. One of the services I have been testing recently is Text Link Ads. I have been hesitant to try Text Link Ads, even though I have read many good reviews of the company
Webmaster Quickie - The Enormous List of Linkbuilding Tips, Articles and Resources
The list does not get any bigger than this one. The Enormous list of Linkbuilding tips, articles and resources Some fantastic resources on the list, some that I might avoid, but overall a great list. There is hours of reading for you to do
Make Your Wordpress Blog Search Engine Friendly
I stopped by Shoemoney.com this morning and he had a link to this search engine optimization how to video for Wordpress from Graywolf's SEO Blog. There are some very good tips in the video, not just for Wordpress, but you can easily use some of them for Blogger and for
Create Your Own Search Engine
Want to create your own custom search engine? Now you can, with with a little help from Google Co-op. Create your own custom search engine that is unique to you and your users interests. You can create a custom search engine in as little as five minutes,
Webmaster Quickie - 19 Things NOT To Do When Building a Website
A great list of things you should not do when creating a website. 19 Things NOT To Do When Building a Website. I will only add two that I did not see, and I have mentioned them before. No stupid annoying animations and make
Webmaster Time Savers - Using Includes
Perhaps the biggest time saver that every webmaster should take advantage of is using includes on their website. By taking the common sections of code of your website and placing those sections of code into include files you will be able to make your website easy to manage and maintain.