Appreciate Your Readers
While I have been swamped with work today I have taken a few moments to surf around and found some blog posts that I would like highlight. There is an excellent post on The Reasoner titled "Are you treating your blog commentors like slaves?".
Site Meter - Privacy Level
I like Site Meter, it is a quick and free way to get stats about your website or blog that update in real time (or pretty close). The free version of Site Meter requires you to place a little button on your website that links back to Site Meter. That
Smart Banner
I was doing some surfing last night and dropped in on the "Succesful Blog" by Liz Strauss. She had a great post about a smart banner that takes your rss feed and creates an animated gif that you can use on top blog sites and in other places where you
Love Your Commenters
I have not been blogging for a long time, but I have been actively reading and taking part in various blogs for some time. One of the most interesting aspects of blogging is the chance to add to the conversation though comments about a post. Commenting on another persons blog
Time Breakdown of Modern Web Design
I have seen this on the web before, but I came across it again this evening and it made me laugh. It is so true. I am just wrapping up a redesign project and everything was going so well, until some issues popped up with Internet Explorer. I don't think
Webmaster Time Savers - External Javascript
If you have javascript code that runs on multiple pages of your website you should consider moving the javascript into external files. The reasons for moving your common code is similar to why you should move your style sheet information into external files. The benefits of using
Webmaster Time Savers - External Style Sheet
Creating and maintaining a website or blog can be made easier by using a few simple time savers. An external style sheet is one of the easiest time savers that all websites and blogs should take advantage of. Without going into a long history of style sheets,
What’s in My Blogging Toolkit?
Darren Rowse over at ProBlogger.net asked people to list what are your top 5 blogging tools? I thought I would give a detailed response here. Blogging Platform: Blogger Unlike the majority of the commentors on Darren's blog I prefer Blogger as my blogging
Website Annoyances
I have been cleaning up an older website for a client the last few days, and, to be frank, it has gotten me in a bit of a cranky mood. I can't help but be reminded of the reasons why your aunts cousins nephew should not design and program your
Email Promotion Still Alive and Kicking
In the rush to embrace new technology and new ways of communicating we often abandon the well established communication methods that people are used too. For example, people know how to use email. Everyone from grandparents to little children use email. It is still one of the most used services