Upload Flash Files in Media Library
I learned something new today and I thought I would share. I discovered that it was no longer possible to upload Shockwave Flash files in the WordPress Media Library. Not that I have to upload flash files very often but I had a client that wanted to add a flash
Control Automatic Updates in WordPress
One of the new features in the WordPress 3.7 is the ability for WordPress to be able to update itself. This has also been one of the more controversial features, but personally the new ability to had WordPress automatically update when a new security update is available is a fantastic
WordPress 3.7 "Basie" Released
WordPress version 3.7 code named “Basie” in honor of Count Basie, is now available for download or update in your WordPress dashboard. If it is not yet showing as an update in your WordPress dashboard you can download a copy directly from WordPress to update or install. This new WordPress release
Barcamp Regina
I meant to post this several months ago but I thought better late than never. I presented about website speed at the first ever Regina Barcamp. I could probably write post upon post upon post on each slide but I will just post the presentation here and if there are
Lazy Load Images to Improve Page Load Speed
Great images in your blog post is great for readers, but there is a catch to using lots of images on your site. All those images can slow down how fast your website loads. There are many different ways to speed up the load time of your WordPress website but
How to Duplicate a Post in WordPress
A question I get asked fairly often is how to duplicate a post in WordPress. There are many plugins available to do this for you but I like to use Duplicate Post. Duplicate Post is a free plugin which allows you to clone a post or create a draft post
Custom Post Type Sticky Posts
A project I was working on today uses custom post types for part of the content of the website. In this case though some posts in the custom post type need to be sticky. Well the client did not call it that but in the end
WordPress Paradise Themes
It is possible that you landed here at WordPress Paradise looking for one of the WordPress Themes called Paradise. Makes sense really the domain name WPParadise.com is a great name for a WordPress theme. If you are looking for one of the WordPress themes called Paradise here are three possible
WordSesh 2 - 24 Hours of Live Streaming WordPress Presentations
Where I live the closest WordCamp conference is at least a days drive away and well I just can't see getting to one anytime soon. If you are in the same kind of position I am in there is always WordSesh. WordSesh is 1 full day of live WordPress presentations
Automatically Set Featured Images
I have a love/hate relationship with featured images on WordPress. I love them but I often forget to set them. Usually I am just forgetful and end up publishing posts before I have the feature image set. That is ok for me who knows what I have done and can