WordSesh 2 - 24 Hours of Live Streaming WordPress Presentations
Where I live the closest WordCamp conference is at least a days drive away and well I just can't see getting to one anytime soon. If you are in the same kind of position I am in there is always WordSesh. WordSesh is 1 full day of live WordPress presentations
Automatically Set Featured Images
I have a love/hate relationship with featured images on WordPress. I love them but I often forget to set them. Usually I am just forgetful and end up publishing posts before I have the feature image set. That is ok for me who knows what I have done and can
Traffica WordPress Theme
InkThemes has released the Traffic theme and it is a beautiful theme perfect for businesses and personal websites of all sizes. It is available as a free theme from the WordPress Theme repository as well as an upgraded theme directly from InkThemes. The screenshot below is the upgraded version but
The Schizophrenia Society of Saskatchewan Relaunched
. That site served them well for the years they had it. They were able to post new and upcoming information but like all things there comes a time when change is needed. Change in this case meant a few things. Having a design
How To Delete the Uncategorized Category
Depending on the purpose of your WordPress website one of the tasks you might want to consider before going live is to delete the Uncategorized category. This might not apply to everyone but if you have a very targeted website you probably don't want that Uncategorized category to be the
Reflections on Apraxia
My daughter Erica was diagnosed with verbal apraxia in 2009. Since then she has been going for speech therapy weekly and then monthly. We were at her regular monthly session a few weeks ago when I was taken back by something her speech therapist, something that I was so amazed
Saskatchewan Classifieds
There are lots of websites out there offering free local classified ads. Craigslist, Kijiji, even UsedRegina but all of them are missing one vital ingredient. None of them are actually based in Saskatchewan. Craigslist started in San Fransisco and expanded. Kijiji is owned by Internet auction giant eBay and UsedRegina
Pods Framework for WordPress
I have been really busy this last week so did not get much time to write a post but I wanted to let you know what I have been working on. I have a architecture client that I am moving their current site into WordPress. That is
WordPress Brute Force Attack
There have been reports that a distributed attack is going on trying to brute force WordPress websites. If you run a WordPress website you should be aware that your site might come under attack. I have noticed one site that is managed by me come under attack in the last
Is Flippa Over Hyped?
As I mentioned in my previous post I have been spending some time on Flippa. Partly for fun and partly to see if I can raise some extra cash from sites and domains I just don't think I will ever have the time to develop. I suppose