Blogs on the Go - 7 Ways to Make a Mobile Blog
on the phone and while the content displays I eventually get an out of memory error. Overall the blogs are just not meant to be viewed on such a small screen.
Why should you care how mobile web users view your blog? Well if statistics like “Researchers at IDC say that 1.3 billion people will connect to the Internet via mobile phones by 2008” from the dotMobi mobile phone emulator page can be believed that is a fairly significant number of people that are going to be using their cell phones to browse the web and that number will only go up. If you don’t like statistics just look at the money Google is pouring into the mobile web market with Google Android phones due out this year. If bloggers want to stay at the cutting edge and make their content available to people we need to be visionaries to allow our readers to be able to access that content in whatever way they prefer, whether it is through a web browser, RSS reader or mobile phone. Fortunately you don’t need to be a brilliant programmer anymore to make your content accessible to mobile web users.With a little Google search I was able to dig up the following ways for you to make your blog accessible on the mobile web.
Google Reader [ blog to help people find them on the [...]
Mobile phones having internet browsing option has made the world much more shorter. Now you can send and receive emails, from anywhere and stay connected to the globally.
Lee Robertson
Very true. I know I use my cell phone all the time to check and reply to emails. It makes it convenient to stay in touch with people. All the more reason to offer your information to mobile users.
Thanks for the useful links; there are so few good mobile web sites around right now. I'm going to evaluate them for my portal page, which I wanted to be a source of good quality manually tested links. To that end I created a portal that aims to make life easy for those of us ordinary phones. It's on the URL which means it's very easy to enter using a standard phone keypad (just pressing keys 32147 in that order will enter the URL!). The info page is on <a href="" title="G-Portal For Mobile Web"></a> if you want more info or if you want to get in touch to help out with the site.
Norman Fellows
What a helpful review! Thank you!
Jason Lee
Excellent analysis. I agree. mobiSiteGalore ( is the best. I tried every site builder you mentioned here and I have to say ... mobisitegalore is way ahead of the rest of them both by number of features and by depth of features ... by far.
Tamara Field
Yes, I agree with you. I just built a complete mobile website in about 30 minutes. It was very easy and they have so many features as well. By the way, they have even launched a build with mobile edition to help people build mobile website on their mobile phones. Cool!