Apraxia Progress

It has been several years since my daughter was diagnosed with apraxia. At one point we never knew if she would be about to talk but with many hours of hard work and hours and hours of Professional speech therapy she has turned a new corner in her life with apraxia. For several years we have gone for weekly speech therapy. It started with regular visits to Wascana rehabilitation centre here in Regina to having a private speech therapist that quit on us and attendance at the Regina communication preschool. While we had some rough times we eventually found a private speech therapist that worked well for her and combined with some changes at the communication preschool has now lead us to this new turning point.

It is with great joy that last week was our last weekly visit to our private speech therapist! My daughter has reached the point where we are dropping down to only one visit to our private speech therapist per month. Our private speech therapist could not see a reason for my daughter to continue to come once per week.

My daughters speech still needs some work, her S’s are slushy and her CH and J are not always perfect but with regular reminders she is able to do the sounds correctly. Thankfully we are able to work her speech work in with her daily reading from school. Her reading is coming along well and in many ways her speech therapy has helped her excel at her spelling.

I hope that the many others that come here looking for help and answers to help their children have as much success as my daughter.

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