Bloggers are not Webmasters

Here is the hard truth for all of you bloggers out there. Bloggers are not webmasters. According to a webmaster is:

A person whose occupation is designing, developing, marketing, or maintaining websites.

By that definition a blogger is not a webmaster and here is why.

  1. Design

    Look at the number of blogs on the Internet with the default theme or with themes that have been download from blog theme websites. If the blog actually has a unique theme then often the blogger has paid someone else to do it for them. Face it bloggers are not designers.

  2. Website Development

    Considering most decent web hosts offer a control panel that will install WordPress with the click of a button bloggers are not developers. Bloggers have no clue how to make small changes to even the simplest things on their own blog. If there is no plugin for it then it simply can’t be done. Bloggers don’t do development. In fact I suspect that most bloggers could not even tell you what FTP is.

  3. Marketing

    Marketing is all about customer service. Most bloggers know nothing about customer service, since they are to busy bragging about themselves and telling the world how great they are. Having a huge ego and talking about how much money they make by abusing their readers is not marketing. Face it, if a store clerk treated you the way some bloggers treat their readers you would be talking to the manager of the store asking for that person to be fired. Perhaps bloggers know knowing about marketing because they don’t actually offer any type of service or product. Sure they say they will give you advice or information on _____, but the reality is they never really give any information on their topic.

  4. Blog Maintenance

    Considering the number or WordPress installs that are never updated it is quite obvious that bloggers do not know how to maintain their own blog. Not to mention checking links, making sure contact forms work and making sure feeds work properly.

Bloggers might be great people, but face it, the average blogger is not a webmaster. They just don’t have the technical, artistic and social skills to be competent webmasters.

Join me for part two later this week to discover why webmasters are not bloggers!

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