Changes are Coming!

Things are finally settling down after the move and there are some big changes coming for LGR Computer Enterprises and this blog. More details will be coming in the next few weeks, but to start with here on the blog you might have noticed that the Entrecard widget and the Project Wonderful ad box are gone. They are the first of many changes coming.

If you are wondering why I am removing those first, it is for different reasons. The Entrecard widget, I am tired of having to approve ads and deal with it. The traffic has been minimal and I would rather spend my time actually working and/or writing instead of approving/rejecting ads. Entrecard was a good idea, but I think it might have peaked and has now ”Jumped the Shark”. It can still be useful for blogs that are starting out, but I just don’t have the time or patience to deal with it here anymore.

The Project Wonderful ads have been on my list of things to remove since I talked about it way back in March. It was time for it to go. There are better advertising options for bloggers, and as I mentioned back in March there will be private ad sales here on the LGR Webmaster Blog. Those ad sales will start to happen soon after I announce my big news in a few weeks.

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