Closed for Holidays!

As it turns out Rhett and I both ended up scheduling holidays for the same week here in July. If you read most of the tops bloggers on blogging they will tell you that you should keep a consistent post schedule and if you go on holidays you should arrange for guest posts or have several posts written and ready to publish while you are gone. It is sound advice, and very easy to do with most blogging software. That being said Epiblogger is going to break those “rules” not because they are not good rules to follow, but because there is something to be said for taking a vacation.

It can be difficult to constantly be creating new and creative posts for your blog. To be creative and a better writer you need to take a break occasionally. Your mind will relax, your body will relax and most importantly you will return in a better state of mind to continue pouring your heart and soul into your blog.

I think we have some great posts coming up in the next little while when Rhett and I return from our holidays. Rhett, I believe, is going to continue his series on “Being Sold (Out)“. I have also started a series of posts specifically for new bloggers. Posts that will help people get started blogging. It will be great to come back full of energy and ideas.

What do you think should bloggers take vacations from blogging?

Categories: blogging  