Color Combinations Update

It never fails, as soon as you write something you end up finding another tool that you should have included. This color tool is from the undisputed master of graphics, Adobe. Kuler is from Adobe labs and allows people view color combinations that others have created online. You can narrow the combinations down a little by viewing the most popular combinations, the highest rated and the newest submitted.

You can also create your own color combinations. The easiest is to set your base color and then use one of the color rules that they have available. The tool itself is easy to use, although I did find that the base color kept changing slightly as I played with the other colors. You might want to watch that as you use this tool. Overall it is an excellent tool for helping with choosing color combinations.

If you want to save and share the color combinations that you create you will have to create an Adobe account and sign in. You can also download the color combinations as Adobe Swatch Exchange files (.ASE) for use with Adobe Creative Suite, but I could not try that out since I don’t have the suite.

You don’t see to many free tools coming from Adobe, but hopefully this one will stay free for people to use. It will certainly help people choose colors for websites and all their projects.

Categories: web-design  