Colour Lovers

colourlogo.pngIf you have been visiting for a little while, or have browsed through some of the older posts (Color Combinations, one of the blogs I like to read occasionally.

First off I have to say, what a great site! I don’t say that very often, ask my wife. Usually when I talk about a website with her I will list off four or five things that I do not like about the site. With ColourLovers I honestly can say that my first impression was very good. It was very clear what the site was about and why you were there, you are looking for colours. You can easily browse the colour palettes by preset sorts such as top rated and new, as well as search the colour palettes by colour.Colour Palette Search

Once you register you can download different colour palette combinations in a number of different formats including Photoshop, Illustrator (I think the one is Illustator, I could be wrong), CSS, HTML and as a Zip file.

There is also a whole colour section, where you can browse and search for individual colours and see the various palettes combinations that have been created with that colour. I could see this section being very useful since often I have clients that have one colour they want to see in the website, and this way I can quickly see what colour palettes have been created. The only thing I would like to see in this section is a way to search for a specific colour, for example, let me enter in a RGB or Hex of a colour and find the different colour combinations for that colour.

Overall a very useful colour website. I know where I will be heading to when I start my next website design and I need some inspiration for colours.

Categories: web-design