Domain Name Giveaway!

I was looking through my list of domain names and have come to the conclusion that I will never develop into a website. I currently have the domain parked over at Namedrive, and while it has brought in the odd click I think I would rather give it to a new owner, someone that can take good care of it and hopefully make a website with it. The domain is at GoDaddy so it is a free push to your GoDaddy account. The domain does not expire until March 2008, so you get some time with it before it is due.

How to enter

To enter all you have to do is a leave a comment or trackback and your name will be entered into the draw. Only one comment or trackback per person, so you only need to comment or trackback on this post once. (If your comment looks/smells like spam it will still be deleted and not entered)

When Will the Draw Happen

I will draw a random name on October 31 and contact the winner by email. If you trackback make sure you have a way for me to contact you on your website.

If you have any questions or if I forgot anything important let me know in the comments. I am not done my coffee yet this morning so I could very well have missed something.

Let the commenting/trackbacks begin and good luck.

Categories: marketing  