Epiblogger Valentines Giveaway!

Rose. Found at: http://www.sxc.hu/photo/891304Happy Valentines! It has been a really great month and a half since we opened the doors here at Epiblogger and we wanted to celebrate a little with our first giveaway. We thought we could give away our first month and a half of income to one lucky reader, but then you would end up owing us money!

Then we thought it might be nice to hold an Entrecard credit giveaway. We have been pleased with the number of visitors that come on a regular basis from Entrecard and have gotten to know a few of them through comments and visiting their blogs. We have just over 1000 Entrecard credits in our account so for this contest we will give away 1000 Entrecard credits that you can use to advertise on other blogs, purchase graphic design or browse the shop and see if there is anything you might like.

How to Enter To enter our great Valentines contest is pretty simple. There are three ways and you can enter as many times as you like. Only comments and trackbacks that are dated February 14 will qualify for the contest. Epiblogger is on Central Standard Time so plan the time of your post so it arrives here on the 14th.

  1. 1 Entry - Take part in the conversation and leave a comment on a post, any post. All comments made on February 14, 2008 will get you one entry into the contest. Please make it more than “Great post”, “Nice post” or we might miss it.
  2. 5 Entries - Write a post and create a trackback to Epiblogger. Take the conversation back to your blog and link back to us. Each trackback gets you 5 entries in the contest. Trackbacks to Thoughts posts are exempt, see the next way to enter.
  3. 10 Entries - Want a lot of entries into the contest? Write a new post from an idea from a post in our Take a Thought category. There are lots of great ideas in there to get you writing. Just create a trackback to the Epiblogger Thoughts post that you got the idea from.

The winner will be chosen at random from all entries received on the 14th of February and the winner will be posted here on Epiblogger after they have been contacted and the credits transferred. You will need to be a member of Entrecard to take part so if you are not a member yet go and take and look and sign up.

Happy Valentines and Good Luck!

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