Free Stock Photos for Your Website

Found on Stock.XCHNGIf an image is worth a thousand words then finding the right images for a website is crucial. Not everyone has the resources to buy stock photographs for every website, thankfully there are stock photo resources on the internet that make it easy to find the right image. There are thousands of websites out there with stock photography, unfortunately it can be hard to find good sites that actually offer stock photos for free. Many of the sites advertise the images as royalty free, but to buy the rights to use the image will cost you. Take a look at these stock photo resources when you are looking for that perfect photo.


A personal favorite for finding great stock photos for web projects. Make sure you check the photos restrictions.


The second stop in finding great photos. If you can’t find the photo you need on Stock.XCHNG it is probably here.
I have had problems creating an account here but you should still be able to download photos.


I just found this one last week. It looks promising upon first impressions.


This site has some very nice photos, but the selection is limited. You have to have a good idea of what you are looking for.


The license is a little more restrictive here, so be forewarned. You can’t do everything with the photos that you can at some of the other sites. They do have some great photos though, but perhaps more appropriate for personal projects and blogs.


The only pay stock photo website on the list. The prices are very reasonable. You can get an image suitable for many web projects starting at $1.00. Great photos that will not empty your wallet.

Categories: web-design  