Google's Blogger Commenting from Bad to Worse
Blogger has officially become the worst platform on the planet to run a blog with. Congratulations Google you are on a roll lately. Blogger no longer allows people to comment as other with a link to your website. This also means that the instruction I had written up in Blogger Comment Link Love no longer works. I guess Google no longer trusts anyone to moderate any comments on their blogs.
The old comment form looked like this:
The new one:
I can only suggest that anyone serious about Blogging never use Google’s Blogger. Buy your own domain, hosting and use WordPress.
Categories: blogging
I thought it was a bug myself when I first saw it..but realized Google is throwing that E-weight around...guess they don't think people can moderate it just like you stated.
I have been pretty cynical to Google lately, but I have to wonder if they think before they do things sometimes. Who's bright idea was it to do this on Blogger? It is no better than MySpace now. Thye should at least give bloggers the option of what kind of commenting system they would want. Make that the default and allow those that actually care to keep it how it was.
Ben Barden
Blogs are great if you only have a blog, but I've found them to be inflexible when I want to have more than a blog (e.g. music, photos etc). On the other hand, a CMS is too complex for my needs and I have yet to find one that is really user-friendly. That's why I wrote my own system that combines the best of both worlds. Wordpress looks great, but what puts me off is that you have to install a stack of plugins to do things that should really be in the core system. I write my blog for non-technical people, many of whom are quite scared of installing stuff. If I can persuade them that installing software is something they can do, I'd rather choose a system that doesn't ask you to install various plugins after you've got the main system up and running. It does seem as though a lot of bloggers assume that everyone is technical and can do all this stuff without thinking. I think that a lot more people would blog if the technical barriers were removed.
Thanks for stopping by Ben. I agree there is a technical barrier to blogging for a lot of people. People don't like to install software and don't know how to do some of the more technical things. In some ways it is like driving. You don't need to know how to change your own oil to drive a car, but you do have to learn some basic rules of the road before going out. If people are just starting out blogging Blogger will work, but when they get serious about it, Blogger is no longer a good choice. People need to know that.
LGR Webmaster Blog - Commenting on LGR Webmaster Blog and Blogger Commenting Update
[...] I blasted Blogger earlier in the week for the mess they made their commenting system. Well they have redeemed themselves somewhat. They [...]