Honey Finally Called Out for Cookie Stuffing

The first time I heard about Honey my first thought was it is nothing more than a Cookie Stuffing affiliate stealing company. I am surprised it took tech savvy influencers so long to figure this out. Watch the video below to see how it all works, but really nothing surprising here.

Anyone that has ever done affiliate marketing should have been able to see what Honey was doing from the very beginning and PayPal should definitely have seen it before buying Honey.

I heard this morning that Honey and PayPal is already being sued for this, and honestly I can’t see how PayPal has any chance of winning. It is clearly a case of cookie stuffing, similar to what Shawn Hogan from DigitalPoint got caught doing to eBay years ago, when they used images to cookie stuff eBay affiliate cookies.

It will be interesting to watch this case as it goes forward. Personally I will be glad to be rid of Honey, it was nothing but a blight on Internet affiliate marketing and is nothing but a thief.

Categories: honey   paypal   affiliate