I'm Moving!

The news is official, my wife has accepted a new position at Christ Lutheran Church in Regina Saskatchewan as an Assistant Pastor. As a result I will be moving my office from Rosthern Saskatchewan to Regina Saskatchewan during the summer. If you are one of my fantastic clients you should have gotten an email with some details about the move and how it will affect your services. There will be more big news in store for LGR Computer Enterprises once the move takes place and I will announce that information here.

We have not found a new house in Regina yet, but we have officially listed our house for sale here in Rosthern. You can see the listing at Rosthern Agencies, one of my great clients, who will be handling the sale of our house. If anyone would like to live in the great community of Rosthern this is a great house to have. We have a great yard with a garden in the back. We are listing it at $169,900.00, which is a great deal if you look at prices in Saskatoon for a house and the 70 by 200 foot lot that we have. We also have great neighbours that we will miss.

I’ll post more once we find a new house and get closer to the actual moving date.

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