Important Notice to BlogRush

Miracle of miracles I noticed in my referral logs that I had a visit through a BlogRush widget yesterday. I had forgotten all about them, since I don’t run the widget and the last time I logged in they said that my Video Rambler blog was not approved for their network. That made me laugh because as far as I am concerned their network is not approved for my video blog, since it is aimed at families and the types of posts they were displaying would make a marine blush. Anyways, I had forgotten that BlogRush existed until that referral.

I thought I would go and log in and see if anything has improved over at BlogRush. I log into my account and I am greeted with this lovely notice:

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Your account is now temporarily inactive because our system indicated that the BlogRush widget is no longer being served on your blog. All BlogRush members must be actively displaying the widget in order to participate in the network.

While your account is inactive you will no longer earn credits or have your blog posts syndicated. However, your referral network activity, and any credit balance, will be fully tracked for your account during this time.

Not that I really care. I don’t want to have another widget on my blog that just slows things down. So to close this off here is a notice for BlogRush.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Until your service actually provides some value to my readers and not just spam, crap and adult content, I will not further pollute the web with your widget. Your widget is hereby banned from this blog and any further attempt to convince me to display your widget will be meet with distrust and scepticism. Any and all future email from you will be marked as spam and treated as such. Thanks, The Management

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