New Look, New Name, New Feel - Same Innovative Website Development

A few days ago I posted that LGR Internet Solutions had officially launched was actually released on PRWeb. This is the first time I have done a press release through PRWeb and I have been happy with it so far. I have seen new visitors from PRWeb, I can find my press release listed in both Google and Yahoo News and I have noticed a few new links on the WordPress dashboard from places that are linking back to be that have published the news release. All in all that makes me happy. I was not expecting huge amounts of traffic from it, but I am pleasantly surprised already at the number of visitors I have gotten from it.

I have read about how doing a press release can help with publicity of a website or service and I thought this would be an excellent opportunity to take advantage of it with my new focus on web and blog consulting, search engine optimization and social media. If your business is interested in releasing a press release to announce a new website, a product or service I would recommend taking advantage of a professional writer to help you write one. While it can add to the cost of doing a press release it will be worth the money to make sure your press release is approved for release.

Now that my press release is out and my company name has been changed I am looking forward to working with my current and future clients and finding new and innovative ways to help them with their web and blog consulting needs. Of course if you are wanting help with your website or blog and are not sure how to take it to the next I will be pleased to discuss some options with you. Feel free to contact me and we can look at how best to reach your online goals.

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