Joe the Plumber and Link Building

I don’t follow a lot of politics. I have enough trouble following the politics in Canada but when an opportunity comes along like the one created by all the talk of Joe the Plumber in the race for the United States Presidency I take notice. Perhaps what made me take notice more is a post by Eric Ward entitled ”Joe The Plumber and Link Building Best Practices”. Why did I find Eric’s post interesting? Well I found the post interesting because it is always nice to feel affirmed in the things that I write here. His advice was to use Google Alerts to search for sites that are talking about Joe the Plumber and to look for an opportunity to contribute. That advice from a “link building expert” sounds a lot like the advice I talked about on how you can use Google Alerts to help build links.

The best part for me was this:

Before you jump me about nofollow and linkjuice, I know this type of link is not going to help your rank. I’m not after rank. I’m after the traffic flow. Publicity driven link building.

So what are you waiting for? Do you want to get some publicity out of the Joe the Plumber frenzy that the U.S. campaign has started? Don’t forget to leave good comments so they don’t get marked as spam.

Categories: seo  