LGR Webmater Blog Best Blogging Achievement

It has been a little while since I took part in a group writing project and this one started over at All Tips and Tricks intrigued me. How do I measure my best blogging achivement?

Numbers are useful, but I find numbers usually don’t tell the whole story. Besides, I did not start this blog to reach the top 100 on Technorati, or to have the largest FeedBurner subscription count or to make tons of money. I would not be disappointed if some of those things happened, but that has not been my best blogging achievement.

When I created this blog I had two goals. One was to network and connect with others. I have missed connecting with others and having discussions, one of the downsides of working from home. My second goal was to help others become better webmasters and to continue to grow in my profession.

My best blogging achievement has been to achieve those goals. From the comments and emails I have received from people who have found information on my blog useful I know that others are finding new and better ways of being webmasters. I have also been able to connect with others and continue conversations that I would not have had otherwise.

I look forward to continuing to get to know more people and learning from them and sharing more of my experiences as a webmaster and making a living on the Internet.

Categories: blogging  