Like Squidoo

I was chatting with Rhett the other day about Squidoo, and to my surprise he had not heard of it, or at least he had not really checked it out. Squidoo is an interesting service where you can create a single web page, called a lens, to talk about a topic. I currently maintain a lens about LGR Internet Solutions, mostly just to have a presence there.

The conversation with Rhett reminded me of how it can be next to impossible to keep up with all of the services and ways to create web pages like Squidoo so I thought I would create a handy list of places you can use to create a page to talk about a topic you feel passionately about or to help promote your main website.

None of the sites take very long to get the hang of and once you have created your page, lens, knol or how to you might not have to touch it again. If you have a minute and want to do a little writing, want to tell people about something you like doing then take a look at these sites.

Do you know of other sites like this? Let people know by leaving a comment. I always like to learn something new as well.

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