Mixwit - Mix Tapes Make a Comeback

I admit I grew up when making mix tapes was a common thing. Compact did not exist until I was in grade eleven or twelve. To be cool you had a loud car stereo and you made your own mix tapes. I suppose things have not changed to much, except now kids make mp3 mixes to play on their iPods in the car.

To help me relive my youth here comes Mixwit. With Mixwit you can create your own mix tapes and share them on your website with the embeddable flash player. You can search for songs by artists, title or even add your own by entering a url to an mp3 file. You can choose where to search for songs as well, either using the skreemr mp3 search engine or SeeqPod. I know very little about either of those sites, but I was able to find most of the songs I typed in on one of those services. Aside from adding music you can choose one of several cassette skins for your mix and and then you are ready to publish it to your website or blog.

It is a fun service, and it could be useful if you create your own mp3 files for your band or a podcast and want to embed it on your website or blog easily. You could use it to create your own little radio station to embed on your website I suppose as well. I found it to be a fun service and created this little mix tape for you all of some of the songs I listen to while I am working on my clients websites.

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