Saskatchewan Classifieds

SaskSaver.caThere are lots of websites out there offering free local classified ads. Craigslist, Kijiji, even UsedRegina but all of them are missing one vital ingredient. None of them are actually based in Saskatchewan. Craigslist started in San Fransisco and expanded. Kijiji is owned by Internet auction giant eBay and UsedRegina is part of the UsedEverything network based out of Victoria.

It is time for Saskatchewan to have it own locally owned and ran classifieds service and LGR Internet Solutions is proud to present is not only owned and operated in Saskatchewan it allows you to list your used items in hundreds of available categories and in the closet community to you. You can easily browse ads in you local community and list your items for sale so people near you can find them. The site offers the ability to list items in 17 local communities, not just Regina, Saskatoon and a few other major centres. Live close to Melfort then you want people from Melfort to see your listings. In La Ronge, then list in La Ronge.

The best part is all listings on are FREE! There are no hidden fees and no extra costs. You list and we help promote your sale on the sites Twitter account and Faecbook fan page. All ads are eligible to be posted on our social media feeds FREE. Other services charge you a small fortune to be listed on their social media, like they are doing you a favour.

If you have a number of items to list, we can help you post all of them at once instead of doing one at a time. All we need is a spreadsheet of your items and we can do the rest. Listing are free but there is a small charge to process the spreadsheet file.

There are currently two listing packages available, a 30 day listing and a 60 day listing. The reality is some items take longer to sell and need to be online longer than 30 days. Instead of us emailing your regularly to renew your ad you can cut down on the clutter in your email inbox and just select the 60 day option knowing that you won’t hear from us until your ad is close to expiry.

Come and check out, your truly local Saskatchewan classifieds website!

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