ScribeFire - A Killer Addon for Bloggers

With the move to WordPress I thought I would give the ScribeFire addon for Firefox another try. I had tried it once when this blog was on Blogger and it just did not work very well. I have to admit though that ScribeFire works very well with WordPress.

I have to admit I am not a big fan of the WordPress editor, I was not a big fan of Bloggers either. I can’t really put my finger on why I dislike them, but I always have had a problem with them. The ScribeFire editor is decent. It is easy to find the basic formatting buttons that I would expect, while at the same time not over doing it, like some editors do.

Other highlights that have impressed me so far was how easy it was to add my blog to the program, edit some past posts, pages and adding and editing tags. I also like the fact that I can have the editor open on the bottom and research ideas of pages above the editor.

Things are not all perfect though. On my AMD 64bit Ubuntu desktop Scribefire makes Firefox act strange, mainly by locking up. Enough that I removed the addon from that system and things seemed to go back to normal so if I continue to use ScribeFire it will be on my laptop where it seems to behave.

If you are a serious blogger give ScribeFire a try, it might be the best blogging addon for Firefox there is.

Categories: blogging  