StumbleUpon Joining eBay

Well it was made official yesterday on the official StumbleUpon blog that my favourite service to find new and interesting websites has joined eBay. While the blog says things won’t change, you have to wonder what the executives over at eBay have in mind for StumbleUpon. Do I like the idea of eBay having access to my Stumbling habits?

If you check out the StumbleUpon reviews of the blog post you have a distinct feeling that the StumbleUpon user community is not very pleased with the whole idea of eBay owning StumbleUpon. Some of my favourite comments:

There goes the neighborhood.Surprise, surprise. “Rumors” indeed. Holy drama, look at the negative reviews flood in. I’m relatively proud of you worthless !@##$$%^ right now.

It’s the end of the world as we know it…

There are some positive reviews as well, but I have to admit the negative ones are more fun to read. If the StumbleUpon blog post is correct we probably won’t see any changes. After all eBay owns Skype and they have not made any significant changes that the average user can see.

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