StumbleUpon - Why Webmasters Should Care!

Yesterday I talked about what it is like to be a StumbleUpon user and how it delivers to its users websites and pages that are actually of interest. Today I want to talk about why you as a webmaster should pay attention to StumbleUpon.

The answer is simple really, StumbleUpon can deliver a great deal of traffic to your website. Traffic is one of the most important things every website is after. That traffic can help to get the word out about your website and what it has to offer.

You are probably wondering how much traffic can StumbleUpon send your site. Well, if your site or blog post is voted up enough you can get a great deal of traffic. I had a website get stumbled in December 2006. From December to the end of January 2007 that page alone has received just under 20,000 visits!

The following graphs show the number of referrers from StumbleUpon during those two months. As you can see the number of visitors from StumbleUpon is a considerable amount those two months.

December Visits by Source

January Visits by Source

Whether these visitors become regular visitors, readers or customers is still not certain, but the traffic boost certainly cannot hurt to raise a websites profile.

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