Subscriber Bonuses

One of my goals for 2009 was to increase the number of RSS subscribers of my blog. To start to reach that goal for 2009 I have started offering bonuses to RSS subscribers. You can subscribe either by using an RSS reader, such as Google Reader, or by email and have the latest updates from the LGR Internet Solutons blog delivered right to your inbox.

Many bloggers create ebooks as a bonus, and I do have plans on creating an ebook for download at some point during the year. Until it is ready though I wanted to start offering subscribers bonuses that they can use right away. I am planning to have one new bonus a month for all of 2009 and they could be almost anything.

To kick things off here in January, I have two special offers to help you backup your computer. If you have been reading here for a little while you know I am a huge Mozy fan so it seems fitting that the first subscriber bonus is for Mozy. There is an exclusive Mozy online backup bonus and a chance for one lucky subscriber to win one free unlimited MozyHome account for a year.

Already a subscriber? The subscriber bonus URL and password is located at the bottom of the RSS feed or email. Just click through, enter the password and you will have access.

Not a subscriber? Click here to subscribe using an RSS reader or subscribe by email. Subscribe now to gain access to all of the subscriber bonuses through all of 2009!

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