The Saskatchewan Valley News Launches

I am happy to announce that The Saskatchewan Valley News website has been launched to the public. The design of the site was inspired by the paper version of the weekly newspaper to provide a consistent look between the print version of the paper and the electronic version.

The website itself is powered by WordPress and allows The Saskatchewan Valley News staff to add new content weekly, edit existing pages and manage user subscriptions. The website also uses the Your Members Membership Wordpress plugin by Cambridge New Media Services. The Your Members plugin allows The Saskatchewan Valley News to sell yearly subscriptions to readers using PayPal as the payment gateway. Members also have the option to purchase single copies of the newspaper every week.

The newspaper archive features PDF versions of the weekly newspaper for all of 2009. Paid subscribers can access all of the newspaper archive. Trial members can purchase the latest weekly issue and have access until the next issue comes out. Yearly subscriptions for the electronic version of the weekly newspaper are only $31.00/year and is a saving for those people that subscribe to the paper that live outside of the local area now. There is also the added benefit that delivery of the electronic version of the paper is as fast as a click to download the newest issue. No more waiting for Canada Post to deliver the paper a week after the publication date.

If you currently subscribe to the paper version of The Saskatchewan Valley News you can gain access to the electronic version as well. Contact the paper through email with your current subscription information and your account will be setup. It has been great working with the staff of The Saskatchewan Valley News to create their website. I look forward to working with them to add new features to the website and helping them make their website a success.

Don’t forget to check out The Saskatchewan Valley News website.

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