TinyPNG Plugins
Optimizing your WordPress site to be faster is good for your users, but it is also good for your search engine results. It is one of the things that is in your control. One of the best ways to optimize your PNG images is to use TinyPNG. Previously you had to manually use the site to optimize your PNG images and then upload them again to your server. Not a very friendly or easy way of doing things. Thankfully TinyPNG has now developed an API and there are several WordPress plugins that have been developed to take advantage of it.
For all of these plugins you need an API key from TinyPNG. You can get one for free at their developer page. You can use it free for up to 500 images a month but after that you need subscribe to one of their paid plans. For many bloggers 500 images a month is a lot but remember for every PNG image you upload WordPress makes several version all that need to be compressed and optimized.
Compress PNG for WP
This is my favorite TinyPNG plugin and the one that I have actually installed here on WP Paradise. The plugin integrates nicely with the existing media gallery in WordPress allowing you to automatically optimize all new PNG images that you upload and optimize existing PNG images on your WordPress website.
TinyPNG for WordPress
This might have been the first TinyPNG plugin added to the WordPress plugin repository. It provides you with an alternative to use TinyPNG. It does not integrate with the media gallery in WordPress, which could be good if you only use PNG’s occasionally and want to have control over what images are optimized or not.
This plugin was released just a couple days ago and has a few more options than the other two TinyPNG plugins. It also integrates with the media gallery but has an option to keep the original file.
Optimizing your images goes a long way to speeding up your website for your visitors. These TinyPNG plugins make it even easy to make sure your PNG files are the smallest file size they can be. Take a look and let us all know what you think in the comments.