UPrinting Contest

up_logo_comSince I changed my operating name from LGR Computer Enterprises to LGR Internet Solutions I have been meaning to get some new business cards made up. Although I do not use them very often it is always nice to have some for that occasion when I have been talking with someone about a website and they ask for a business card. At some point I must have checked out a contest for free business cards being sponsored by UPrinting and left a comment in hopes of winning some. Well that comment has paid off, even though I did not win that contest UPrinting has offered to sponsor a contest here. You can win either free business card printing or a canvas print.

How to Enter Leave a comment at the end of the blog post, describing what you would use the free business cards and/or canvas print for.

Prize 1000 free standard size business cards for one reader and 1 free 18x24 canvas print for one reader

You can choose from any of our stocks for these items.


  • Contest will run until March 31, 2009.
  • I will choose randomly the winners on March 31st, 2009 from the comments posted on this post.
  • Winners in the United States and Canada qualify for free shipping. Shipping fees will apply to winners outside these areas.

Thank you to UPrinting.com for sponsoring this contest, I look forward to reading your comments and what you will use the business cards or canvas print for!

If you are wondering, I get some free business cards for hosting the contest as well. I will take some photos and post about them when I get them.

Update: Contest is not closed. Winners have been notified. Thanks for taking part everyone!

Categories: promotion  