Using GitHub to Edit Your Blog

Moving to Astro and hosting my website using GitHub and Cloudflare pages meant that I no longer have easy access to a graphical interface, like WordPress, to add and edit new posts on the website. It means I have to do most of my writing on my main computer where the files physically exist in my favourite editor. But that is not the case.

GitHub makes it possible to add new files to your repository using their website. If you can access the Internet using a phone, tablet or a computer you can add new content to your website pretty much from anywhere.

This site uses Markdown files so the editing process is pretty straight forward using plain text editing on GitHub. If you want something a little more graphical you could use an online markdown editor like StackEdit and then copy and paste to your new GitHub document. You can also connect StackEdit to your GitHub account try to publish directly but I could not find a way to add and Astro template, so to be safe you might just have to copy and paste.

The point is just because you move your website to a static site generator does not mean that you cannot edit your website from anywhere with an Internet connection. The best part is you don’t have to worry about all of the security headaches that come with exposing a WordPress admin, plugins and themes on the Internet.

BTW: This post was 100% edited using GitHub and StackEdit and then edited after publishing to fix my typos. :)

Categories: tech   astro   web tools   github   stackedit