Website Promotion is a Social Activity

Recently I had a conversation with a client that is wanting to raise the profile of their website ask me if buying text links on other sites was a good idea. They had read my blog post about Text Link Ads that offers a similar service to Text Link Ads.

Since it was my blog here that started this conversation I pointed them to some other posts that I have written about how Google has come out against text links since my post went up.

While I might not like what Google is doing regarding text links I told my client that to be safe in the eyes of Google it would probably not be a good idea to buy or sell text links because they might ultimately get banned from the great Google god and be worse off than they are.

The conversation was not all bad news. Here are some of the options I gave them that they could use to help raise their profile in the search engines, but more importantly to help them connect with people that will be interested in what they offer on their website.

  • Add a blog to their website and because it would help them to add new and fresh content on a regular basis and Google loves fresh new content.
  • Search for some forums and blogs that are related to their website and take part in the conversations there.
  • I told them about Twitter and how they could use it to help connect with people that are interested in what they do.
  • I reminded them about creating some videos to upload to YouTube and other video sharing websites to help them gain some more exposure.
  • I reminded them about adding their website to some more SEO friendly directories.
  • I told them about StumbleUpon and how they could help use it to find people interested in their website.
  • I told them they could share some of their photos on Flickr and allow people to use them on other websites.
  • I told them about posting some of their PDF’s online at Scribd to make it easier for people to read them on their website and allow others to post the documents on other websites and help their information get out there.
  • I talked about how they could look at making a mobile web version of their website and (hopefully) blog to help people find them on the go.
  • I talked about social bookmarking to the pages of their website to make it easy for people to bookmark them.
  • I talked about RSS and email and how they can use it to stay in contact with people that are interesting in their website.
  • I mentioned Squidoo and that they could use it to create a mini-website (lens) talking about there main website.

It was a long conversation. Thinking about it there is a lot more we could have talked about. In the end I think my client went away with a lot of ideas that were very overwhelming. It was probably way too much information for them to take in. I don’t know if they will use any of my advice but here it is for them to reference if they ever need need it again.

What are some of the best ways you have found to help you raise your websites profile?

Categories: marketing  