Website Rebuild - Comments are Dead

At one time the whole point of creating a blog was to engage with your readers in discussion in the comments section. Times have changed. Now comment sections have turned into giant dung heaps of vitriol. One only needs to look at the discussion that takes place on the majority of social networks like Twitter (yes Twitter, cause X is a stupid name), Facebook and even Youtube. In fact one of the basic unspoken rules these days seems to be don’t read the comments. That brings me to what to do with the comments from my website as I rebuild it in Astro?

I took the time to export them all in a CSV file so I could add those comments to the individual posts on the site if I choose, but looking through them there are not many that might be worth keeping. There are some that I think are useful and added to the discussion and at some point I will either add them to the posts they were from in some way shape or form.

Will this new site have comments? Doubtful. I see no reason to add in a comment section on new posts. People are always welcome to discuss posts on social media if they so chose. People can also use the contact me form if they need to get in touch to discuss something and I will get back to them, but I think the time has come to realize that comments on blogs are dead.

Categories: tech   astro   web tools   comments