Welcome to Netlify

This website has had many different iterations over the years. Plain HTML, Blogger, WordPress, ClassicPress and now most recently Astro. When I moved this site to Astro I took the path of least resistence and started hosting it on Cloudflare Pages. Over time it became apparent that the Cloudflare Pro plan I was subscribed to for this domain no longer applied since this site is a static website. There is no database to hack, no PHP code to be able to inject, no server to manage. Paying for a Cloudflare Pro plan was a waste of money for a site that is essentially now a hobby project of mine. I attempted to dowgrade my Cloudflare subscription and when that did not work I contacted Cloudflare support. With only minimal relpies from Cloudflare support after 15 days I made a quick decision to move this website to a new host. Clearly Cloudflare support did not care that long time customer had a problem and with this site now being created using Astro I had choices I was no longer held captive to only hosting this site on Cloudflare pages.

Lots of talk about Cloudflare, on a post that is supposed to be about Netlify, so let’s shift and talk about Netlify. Why did I move this site to Netlify? The short answer it was the first other place I tried. I did not spend hours comparing Netlify vs Vercel. I had a short amount of time available to move the site and Netlify was the first place I tried. I was able to login using my Github account and connect the repository of this website quickly. Because this site is a static generated website I did not have to fuss with a connector or any server functions.

Netlify now gets a chance to win me over and so far they have been a pleasure to work with. Granted I am just using a free starter account, but I can see the benefits of moving to a Pro account for only $19.00/month per member. I could easily move all of my hobby sites here that I have been converting to Astro. I might still give Vercel a try with another website I want to move away from Cloudflare but for now welcome to Netlify.

Categories: tools   netlify   cloudflare   astro